News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Devin Nunes files multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the bogus “Russia dossier”
Because it is looking less and less likely that the Justice Department is ever going to redeem itself and hold accountable the deep state criminals who protected Hillary Clinton from prosecution by targeting the 2016 Trump campaign, House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes is taking matters in his own hands. On Wednesday, the California […]
By JD Heyes
Fitton: Trump Justice Dept. fighting to protect Hillary Clinton and shield her emails from discovery
If you still wondered whether the “deep state” was a real thing and that our various government agencies and institutions are populated with careerists hell-bent on protecting their own power and influence, this story should convince you. If there has been one organization dedicated to getting to the very bottom of the various scandals committed […]
By JD Heyes
Spygate bombshell: Key “Russian” agent, Joseh Mifsud, actually turns out to be a CIA asset
The more we delve into the inner workings of the former Obama administration’s “Spygate” plot to keep Donald Trump from the presidency and then to have him thrown out of office after he won, the more mind-blowing the corruption becomes. Over time we learned, through special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, that Joseph Mifsud was allegedly […]
By JD Heyes
Treasonous FBI aided criminal Hillary Clinton in destroying evidence, wiping hard drives to avoid prosecution
Fair-minded Americans know that President Obama and the deep state characters working for him in the Justice Department, the FBI, and the U.S. intelligence community all wanted Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton to win in 2016. So much so, they worked to ensure that she remained free and unindicted so she could run. When she […]
By JD Heyes
Ron Paul warns: “There was a conspiracy to try to frame Trump,” sounds off on #FBIgate
Former Texas Republican lawmaker Ron Paul warned Thursday following “disastrous” testimony from special counsel Robert Mueller that the real scandal involving the “Spygate” investigation against POTUS Donald Trump has nothing to do with Russia, per se, and everything to do with the FBI. Or, at least, the FBI as it operated under Barack Obama. In […]
By JD Heyes
Lock her UP: Hillary now openly inciting migrants to violate our immigration laws by breaking into our country
It should be apparent by now that American Leftists, led by Democrats and enabled by a garbage ‘mainstream’ media that is little more than a propaganda division for the party, is a fifth column seeking to destroy our country from the inside. On Thursday, The New York Times once again published leaked details of the […]
By JD Heyes
Clinton-era State Department official sentenced to prison for taking money, gifts from Chinese intelligence
One of the biggest scandals of Bill Clinton’s eight-year tenure as president in the 1990s had nothing to do with sex and a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky, nothing to do with impeachment, and nothing to do with lying to Congress. Rather, the scandal had everything to do with espionage and the selling out […]
By JD Heyes
Wow: Looks like Robert Mueller ignored Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex crimes the same way James Comey ignored Hillary Clinton’s crimes
If you still wondered just how pervasive the Deep State is, how high it reaches, how extensive its network, and how utterly corrupt and contemptible it is — this story should answer your questions. As you may know, serial underage sexual abuser and billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested again on Saturday for the same […]
By JD Heyes
OUTRAGE: John Huber, U.S. attorney Jeff Sessions assigned to investigate Hillary Clinton, NEVER even started his probe
If ever there was a reason to fire a U.S. attorney on the spot — not tomorrow, not next week or next month, but today — this is it. You may recall that about a year into failed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ tenure with the Trump administration he rebuffed several calls from members of Congress […]
By JD Heyes
Completely delusional or setting America up for 2020? Hillary Clinton’s repeated claims election was “stolen” giving Dems a reason to oppose Trump reelection
Hillary Clinton has whined so often about the fact that she was beaten by a realty TV star whose first official foray into politics took him to the top elected office in the world that it’s long since gotten old. And yet she did it again just this past week at an event billed as […]
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