News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Deep State tool Robert Mueller has a long history of targeting innocent people, which explains why he was picked to go after POTUS Trump
By now it should be patently obvious to anyone who retains even a modicum of fairness in this highly charged, highly-partisan political environment in which we find ourselves these days that special counsel Robert Mueller isn’t interested in finding “Trump-Russia collusion.” After nearly a year’s worth of investigating — a probe that followed a counterterrorism […]
By JD Heyes
The deep state is real and it’s moving against Trump, says former CIA officer who is exposing the attempted coup
A former CIA officer is spilling the beans on the Democrat-aligned Deep State, telling interviewer Greg Hunter that a coup attempt is actively underway to remove a duly-elected President Donald J. Trump from office. “There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in […]
By JD Heyes
Legal expert claims that Comey’s release of memos is de facto evidence he may have committed criminal espionage
If you are one of a shrinking number of Americans who still don’t believe fired FBI Director James Comey really stepped in it when he handed over classified memos to a friend for the purpose of having them leaked to the media, one legal expert experienced in high-profile cases may just be able to change […]
By JD Heyes
A tale of two Bills: Cosby goes to jail for 30 years for sexually abusing women but Bill Clinton can rape them and remain free
By now you’ve likely heard that “America’s dad,” comedian Bill Cosby, was found guilty of drugging and molesting a woman, “completing the spectacular late-life downfall” of a funnyman “who broke racial barriers in Hollywood on his way to TV superstardom,” The Associated Press reported. Following the verdict, District Attorney Kevin Steele said the disgraced star […]
By JD Heyes
Trump campaign responds to DNC’s “frivolous” lawsuit, promises there will be an “aggressive discovery phase” including “secret files”
There is a saying that goes, “Better to keep quiet and let people think you a fool than open your mouth and prove them right.” Officials at the Democratic National Committee may have just shot off their mouths once too often over the sham allegations of “Trump-Russia collusion” in the 2016 election. As you may […]
By JD Heyes
HUGE: House Intel chair Devin Nunes says Trump spying was NOT based on any evidence; “all political”
The head of the House Intelligence Committee dropped a rather large bombshell on Sunday that the American Pravda media is doing its level best to ignore, and that is this: His panel has found no evidence whatsoever to justify the Obama FBI and Justice Department spying on Team Trump during the 2016 campaign. Rather, Chairman […]
By JD Heyes
Trump’s presidency provides an object lesson on why we MUST have tort reform: It’s a national security issue
The mini-headline on Drudge said it all. In a series of linked stories all related in some way to President Donald J. Trump’s never-ending battles with the Deep State, the #NeverTrumpers and those seeking their 15 minutes of fame were three words: “Lawsuits pile up.” The link led to a CNBC story with the formal […]
By JD Heyes
Did the DNC lawsuit just open the door to a massive, underreported scandal involving an indicted Pakistani and top Democratic officials?
As you likely know, the Democratic National Committee filed what can only be called a desperation and harassment lawsuit in federal court in Manhattan on Friday against the Trump campaign organization, WikiLeaks, and (wait for it) Russia, over the bogus allegation that all of them “colluded” to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton. Without question, […]
By JD Heyes
There are many examples of “Russian collusion” NOT committed by Trump but somehow Robert Mueller can’t find them
If the real and only reason why Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert Mueller was to find out if there was evidence of illegal “collusion” between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government, he should have found it by now. After nearly a year on the case and after congressional committees […]
By JD Heyes
Comey’s new “tell-all” book about POTUS Trump is a huge nothing burger and will be swiftly discredited
After months of hype from perpetually outraged Leftists in the media and political commentariat that fired FBI Director James Comey’s new book will finally spell the end of President Donald J. Trump’s presidency, what we’re all really about to get is yet another massive nothing burger from a butt-hurt former federal agent who obviously believes […]
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